Accumu ハリウッドで活躍中のキリルコシック氏が指導

Notable Facts


  • 弱冠16歳でポーランド最大手の広告会社で働くことに専念広告ブランド戦略分野のベテランに囲まれながら最年少のアーティストとしてメルセデスやフォルクスワーゲンなどの大型街頭バナーのデザインを担当デジタルアートの多くの技能やテクニックをいち早く習得
  • 映像のHD化到来以前にスタンフォード大学と共同で16kのパノラマ映像用ソリューションを開発大規模360度のパノラマライブ映像の撮影に使用されたなおソフトウエアも自身で作成
  • ハリウッドで使われているハイエンドのソフトウエアであるEyeon Fusion(現在の Backmagic Design Fusion)用のカスタムソフトウエア(プラグインスクリプト言語アドオン)を多数作成
  • 映画製作を行う「ダークホライゾンピクチャーズ」ポストプロダクション業務の「シネマットスタジオ」高品質のウエブデザインと企業マーケティングとブランド戦略を行う「ミルヒキャピタルマネージメント」の3つの会社を経営
  • フィルムテクノロジーに強い関心がありカスタム制作カメラシステム(C1カメラと呼ばれる)を開発WindowsやLinuxの作動環境下で高品質で非圧縮のRAW映像を捉えることを可能にした2011年にはカスタムのキャプチャー用ソフトウエアとハードウェアを組み込んだ16ミリフィルム相当の2Kカメラを開発また非コンシューマー向けのNASAやアメリカ軍の最新の科学機器のみに使用されている高性能のコダックCCDセンサーに基づいた専売のカメラシステムを設計
  • At age of 16, Cyryl exclusively worked for Poland largest at the time advertising company, as youngest artist among other veterans in advertising & branding industry, he quickly learn many skills and techniques in digital art by designing large size, street banners for Mercedes, Volkswagen and other companies.
  • Before HD era worked with Stanford University, developed complex solution and wrote own code & software, for working with 16 K panoramic videos, used for large 360 degree live panoramas.
  • Before HD era worked with Stanford University, developed complex solution and wrote own code & software, for working with 16 K panoramic videos, used for large 360 degree live panoramas.
  • Cyryl wrote many custom: plugins/scripts/add-ons for Hollywood leading high-end software Eyeon Fusion (now ‒ Backmagic Design Fusion)
  • Has 3 independent companies for: film production (Dark Horizon Pictures), post-production services (Cinematte Studios), high-end web design, corporate marketing and branding.
  • 2011 Custom Camera Development; highly interested in research within film technology, he has developed custom built camera system (called: C1 Camera), able to capture under Windows and Linux high-quality uncompressed RAW negatives. In 2011 Cyryl developed 2K camera (equivalent to 16mm film camera), with custom capturing software / hardware, has designed proprietary camera system based on high-performance Kodak CCD sensor (used by NASA, U.S. Army) only found in today’ s scientific applications, not consumer products.


I am proud to join KCG school, teaching students quality content, giving away all “creative secrets” , knowledge utilized by software and hardware, within highly complex IT projects, live shows and multimedia projects.




Name: Position/Role:
Rottenbury Drive(2020) Director Credits
Writer Credits
Producer Credits
Elysium(visual effects coordinator: Cirux Render)(2013)
Visual effects Credits
After Earth(visual effects producer: Cirux Render - as Ciril Koshyk)(2013)
Visual effects Credits
InAPPropriate Comedy(visual effects artist: Cirux Render - as Ciril Koshyk)(2013) Visual effects Credits
Gangster Squad(visual effects artist: Cirux Render)(2013)
Visual effects Credits
飛び出す 悪魔のいけにえ レザーフェイスー家の逆襲
Texas Chainsaw 3D(visual effects artist: Cirux Render - as Ciril Koshyk)(2013)
Visual effects Credits
300: Rise of an Empire(Post-production)(2013)
Digital Compositor
Now You See Me(Post-Production)(2013)
Visual Effects Artist
Silent Hill: Revelation 3D(digital compositor: Cirux Render - as Ciril Koshyk)(2012)
Visual effects Credits
Skyfall(visual effects artist)(2012)
Visual effects Credits
Dredd(visual effects artist: Cirux Render - as Ciril Koshyk)(2012)
Visual effects Credits
Underworld: Awakening(visual effects artist: Cirux Render - as Ciril Koshyk)(2012)
Visual effects Credits
3D Matchmove Consultant
Hostel: Part III(2011)
Visual Effects Artist
Avenged(2012) Visual Effects Artist
Underbelly Blues(2012) Visual Effects Artist
Captain America: The First Avenger(stereoscopic consultant: CineVFX - as Ciril Koshyk)(2011)
Visual effects Credits
Final Destination 5(2011)
3D Stereoscopic Consultant
Captain America: The First Avenger(2011)
3D Stereoscopic Consultant
The Resident(2011)
Visual Effects Coordinator
Machine Head(2011) Visual Effects Post-production
S.W.A.T.: Firefight(2011) Visual Effects Supervisor
山猫は眠らない 4 復活の銃弾
Sniper: Reloaded(2011)
Visual Effects Coordinator
Frozen(special effects miniatures)(2010) Special effects Credits
30 デイズナイト2アークデイズ
30 Days of Night: Dark Days(2010)
3D Consultant & Digital Imaging
Vanishing on 7th Street(2010)
Visual Effects Consultant
Underground Comedy(2010) Visual Effects & Graphics Artist
Jennifer's Body(2009)
Visual Effects Coordinator
FANdemonium(TV Series)(digital effects artist - as Cyryl Koszyk, 2008) Visual effects Credits
Tranquility(2008) Visual Effects Supervisor
Bunny Whipped(2007) Visual Effects Supervisor
Hollywood Kills(2006)
Visual Effects Supervisor



Name: Position/Role:
Worlds Most Incredible Motion Graphics
Monster Energy - Dimmebash! Motion Graphics
Model Latina VFX & Motion Graphics
Street Legal Motion Graphics
The Colony Motion Graphics
Dino Trader VFX & Motion Graphics
Chopper Cowboys Motion Graphics
Jet Set LA Motion Graphics
Machine Head VFX & Motion Graphics
Fight Club Inc Motion Graphics
TV Trap Motion Graphics
Adrenalina Motion Graphics
Once Upon A Room Motion Graphics
SiTV Networks Motion Graphics
The Look Motion Graphics
Crank 3 Merry Christmass Motion Graphics
Aha Production Motion Graphics
Damsels in Distress Motion Graphics
Black Box Motion Graphics
Underground Comedy Motion Graphics
Square One Entertainment Motion Graphics
The Precious Foundation Motion Graphics
Fandemonium Motion Graphics
PostModern Motion Graphics
Monster Energy - Epicenter Motion Graphics
Talk & Papas Motion Graphics
Underbelly Blues VFX & Motion Graphics
Crossing The Lines Motion Graphics
Real ER Motion Graphics
Fired Up Motion Graphics
Elvis Presley Expo II Motion Graphics
Stripped Motion Graphics
Elvis Presley Expo Motion Graphics
Bridesmaid Motion Graphics


Name: Position/Role:
Monika Spruch - Radio(2014) Director & Visual Effects Supervisor
Jason Newsted (Metalica) ‒ Heroic Dose
Visual Effects Supervisor / Artist
Jason Newsted (Metallica) ‒ King of Underdogs Visual Effects Supervisor / Artist
Jason Newsted (Metallica) - That's Some Pig(2011) Visual Effects Supervisor, Lead Artist
The PreZcotts feat. Yuto Miyazawa(2011) Visual Effects Artist
Nitza - Ageless(2010) Visual Effects Supervisor, Lead Artist
Rick Monroe - Honky Tonk Road Trip(2010) Visual Effects Artist


Name: Position/Role:
COMCAST Spotlight Commercial
Cinq Mondes SPA PARIS(2015)
Commercial #1:
Commercial #2:
Commercial #3:
Producer / Director / Editor
COMCAST Spotlight Commercial
Lamour Lashes(2015)
Producer / Director / Editor
COMCAST Spotlight Commercial
Piperdilly Bistro
Commercial #1:
Commercial #2:
Producer / Director / Editor
Soraya Commercial
Manatt(2010) Visual Effects & Graphics Artist
Precious Lure Foundation (2011) Visual Effects Artist
Ionic White(2009)
Lead 3D Artist
Monster Energy - Dimmebash!(2012) Visual Effects & Graphics Artist
Monster Energy - Commercial(2012) Visual Effects & Graphics Artist
Eminem - Recovery(2010) Visual Effects Supervisor