トップ » Vol.22-23 » KCGグループ創立50周年 » 京都コンピュータ学院創立50周年・京都情報大学院大学創立10周年記念式典 » 祝辞 ロチェスター工科大学 プロボスト(筆頭副学長・副総長)
ジェレミー・ヘフナー 様

Accumu 京都コンピュータ学院創立50周年・京都情報大学院大学創立10周年記念式典

祝辞 ロチェスター工科大学 プロボスト(筆頭副学長・副総長)
ジェレミー・ヘフナー 様

祝辞 ロチェスター工科大学 プロボスト(筆頭副学長・副総長)
ジェレミー・ヘフナー 様

ロチェスター工科大学 プロボスト(筆頭副学長・副総長) ジェレミー・ヘフナー 様

It is an honor to be here today. As RIT President ‒ Dr. Destler ‒ stated in his video, we congratulate you on your milestone anniversary and look forward to our continued partnership with Kyoto Computer Gakuin (KCG) and The Kyoto College of Graduate Studies for Informatics (KCGI) in the future. I would like to take a moment to recognize some of our gracious hosts

  • Madam Yasuko Hasegawa, Founder and President of KCG
  • Mr. Wataru Hasegawa, President of the KCG group
  • Dr. Toshihide Ibaraki, President of KCGI
  • Akira Hasegawa, a proud alumnus of RIT and Director of Internat ional Public Relations at KCG
  • And all our distinguished guests who are here today.

As a graduate student in the College of Imaging Arts and Sciences at RIT, Akira Hasegawa helped establish what is now a strong and long-standin g relationship between RIT and KCG. We are grateful for his efforts to bring the two institutions together. And we are most appreciative of the kind support we have received from everyone at KCG that has allowed us to celebrate with you today . We have been honored by the collaboration that provides opportunity for RIT 's faculty and administrators to visit KCG. We are proud of the 38 KCG students that have gone on to complete their master's degrees in information technology at RIT. We are proud of our relationship with KCG and we are proud of Akira as well who has since completed a BS and an MS degree at RIT, and was featured as one of only 31 distinguished, international alumni in RIT's 175th Anniversary International Faces Exhibition.

Because of RIT's relationship with KCG, I have had the pleasure of befriendingYoshi Nozaki, a student from KCG working on his Ph.D. at RIT. Yoshi, like me, is an avid runner. Despite only having started his running career in 2010, Yoshi has completed 25 marathons, two 50km, five 50-milers and four 100-milers. That's over 1,365 miles or 2,275 km in just 3 years‒760 km per year, and that doesn't include training!

So, Yoshi and I were excited to both qualify for the Boston Marathon this year. [Now as a side note, I should say that Yoshi had to run much fa ster than me to qualify but that's because Yoshi is MUCH younger than me!] What was to be a day of joy and excitement quickly turned into one of fear and sadness. Luckily, Yoshi and I both finished before the explosions occurred and we quickly texted each other to make sure we both were okay. But the events of that day remind us that the world is a complex place, with dark and sometimes evil things happening.

But beyond the darkness, the events in Boston make it even more clear that we must reach out across, departments, disciplines, boundaries, borders, oceans and cultures to build, establish and maintain long-lasting relation ships like the one between KCG and RIT.

Now all of us here today are fortunate for we share this noble cause of shaping the next generation of inventors, problem solvers, artists and humanists. But more importantly we are shaping the next generation of world citizens. Indeed we are not only graduating students with the skills to be successful but we are producing citizens who will go on to solve some society's most pressing problems. This is why International education is critical‒international learning develops global cultural awareness and creates the strong leaders of tomorrow.

And this is why our partnership with KCG is so important, and why I challenge us to do more as we move forward and build upon these enriching relationships. I challenge us to find ways to exchange more students between our campuses and to find ways to connect our faculties through research. The formula is simple: a bigger and better partnership equates to more globally aware students and faculty working to solve the world's problems. It is arguably our moral imperative to do so.

On behalf of Dr. Destler and myself, it is RIT's honor to have this opportunity to be with you today, celebrating your 50th anniversary. I look forward to coming back and celebrating many more with you in the future. Thank you.


ロチェスター工科大学 プロボスト(筆頭副学長・副総長) ジェレミー・ヘフナー 様




  • KCGの創立者であり学院長の長谷川靖子様
  • KCGグループの統括理事長の長谷川亘様
  • KCGI学長の茨木俊秀博士
  • 我がRITの同窓生であり,KCGの理事長,国際業務部部長の長谷川晶様
  • ならびにご来賓の皆様




ロチェスター工科大学 プロボスト(筆頭副学長・副総長) ジェレミー・ヘフナー 様



