地動説を唱えた偉大な天文学者コペルニクスを生んだ国,ポーランド共和国と若き宇宙物理学者達のコンピュータ研究会を原点とする京都コンピュータ学院は長年にわたる友好関係にある。今回京都コンピュータ学院はポーランド共和国情報教育振興のための国際協力を行うことに決定し,ポーランド大使館・文部省との話し合いに入った。その際,プロジェクトの実現に向けて,ポーランドを代表する学者で学院とも関係の深いワルシャワ大学言語学教授 ロムワルド・フシュチャ博士が尽力された。
In addition to Thailand and Ghana, KSCS has begun an educational support project in Poland. In mid-May, president of KSCS Yasuko Hasegawa visited the Ministry of Education in Poland, and met with The Vice Minister of Education and Head of Educational Computer Division Ministry of National Education. There, they discussed the meaning of the project and signed an agreement that said that KSCS would collaborate with the Ministry of Education in expanding Polish computer education. During the process of starting up this project, Dr. Romuald Huszcza, internationally recognized Polish scholar of Linguistics and longtime colleague of KSCS, has been of great help.
The project is similar to that in Ghana. First, 200 8-bit computers will be donated to the Ministry of Education in Poland and distributed to High schools throughout Poland. Then, KSCS staff members will offer a two-week introductory course this summer in Warsaw. In the fall, 15 of the Polish students will be invited to Kyoto for more advance study. Upon returning to Poland they will work on expanding computer education.
The KSCS was founded by a group of young astrophysicists. Because of this, Poland, birthplace of Copernicus, has never been just another foreign country to the KSCS. Poland, now on the wave of historical changes, is excited to share in the knowledge and technology of other cultures. The KSCS is excited to have the opportunity to be part of Poland's new educational investigations. Together we will work towards greater opportunities for computer education in Poland.
※ このプロジェクトの推進費用は,日本万国博覧会記念協会からの交付金と京都コンピュータ学院主催のチャリティコンサートで賄われる。