長谷川 靖子様
Madame Yasuko Hasegawa
The Kyoto College of Graduate Studies for Informatics
I want to offer my heartfelt congratulations to you and all the faculty, staff, and students at the Kyoto Computer Gakuin (KCG) on the opening of your new IT professional graduate school, The Kyoto College of Graduate Studies for Informatics (KCGI), the first such graduate program in Japan. I deeply regret that my travels in Croatia prevent me from joining you in person for the celebration of this event; I trust that Dr. Jorge Diaz-Herrera, Dean of RIT's College of Computing and Information Sciences, will personally convey to you best regards on this occasion from both RIT's President Dr. Albert J. Simone and myself.
KCG has been offering computer science education since 1963, the first such school in Japan. Hence the new KCGI is built upon the foundation of this 41 year history at KCG. RIT likewise was the first college or university in the United States to offer a degree program in Information Technology, at both the undergraduate and Masters Degree levels. We will soon be offering a Ph.D. degree in Computing and Information Sciences, and I look forward to the possibility that graduates from the KCGI would then be able to enroll in RIT's Ph.D. computing degree program.
As you well know, KCG and RIT have enjoyed a strong partnership for the past ten years, as well as many personal friendships between RIT personnel such as myself with the Hasegawa family members and other KCG faculty and staff members. RIT and KCG first began working together in 1989 when KCG opened its campus in Boston, Massachusetts, here in the United States. The relationship strengthened when RIT assisted KCG in opening its Computer Graphics programs in 1993; again with strong support from RIT faculty and some of our graduates, KCG founded its Art and Information Science program at its Kamogawa Campus. 1995 was also the year in which KCG students began visiting RIT for a summer program which has been held every years except 2002, when security concerns were such that it did not seem wise for KCG students to visit the United States.
In 1996, KCG and RIT became official sister schools; I was privileged to visit KCG on that occasion to sign the affiliation documents, my first ever visit to Japan, and I have been most honored to return to Kyoto and KCG for return visits twice more since then. I have also, since we became sister schools, had the honor each year of hosting the KCG students attending the summer program at RIT at an American-style "picnic" at my home; this is also a tremendously enjoyable event for both the students and myself.
In 1998, we began a joint Information Technology graduate transfer program where students could spend one and a half years studying RIT courseware at KCG, in Japanese, and then transfer to RIT to complete their masters degrees, studying now in English. Every year we have KCG masters students entering into both our Information Technology and Computer Science masters degree programs. We furthermore have just recently instituted a program for KCG students to transfer directly into RIT's undergraduate BS programs in both Computer Science and Information Technology.
RIT, founded in 1829, prides itself on providing "career education" to its students. Our new Strategic Plan has as its Vision Statement, "RIT will lead higher education in preparing students for successful careers in a global society." The foundation of our career education is "experiential learning," that students learn by doing. Our degree programs are always evolving to stay at the forefront of changing technologies and provide learning experiences for our students that can be applied dynamically in society with results that propagate throughout the world. We are delighted to have KCG as a sister school in providing such vibrant educational environments, and there is clearly a strong family resemblance.
Again, on behalf of all of RIT, my strongest, heartiest, and personal congratulations to KCG on the august occasion of the inauguration of KCGI.
Best wishes,
Madam Yasuko Hasegawa, Chairperson of the Board of Trustees, honored guests, KCG, KCGI students, Ladies and gentleman.
am happy to join you even if it is only in a video. I am very happy to be part of the KCG community and now a professor at KCGI. I have taught at KCG six times now. I come to work with students that are joining RIT in the MS programs in Information Technology. In the future I will be teaching web programming as part of KCGI. This new school, KCGI, is something I am particularly excited be part of. This is very similar to what we have at RIT, your sister school. They are both career oriented schools, whose primary emphasis is teaching. It is going to be a wonderful opportunity for me. I am very much looking forward to joining you as a part of this. Good luck!
RIT(ロチェスター工科大学)はニューヨーク州ロチェスター市の郊外に位置し,豊かな自然に囲まれた1300エーカーの広大なキャンパスに9つの学部を持つ工学系総合大学で,特にCollege of Imaging Arts and Sciences(イメージングアート&サイエンス学部)とB.Thomas Golisano College of Computing and Information Sciences(B.トーマス・ガリサノ・コンピュータ情報科学部)においては全米大学ランキングNo.1の実績を誇る名門大学であり,全米でいち早くIT分野の専攻学科を設置したことでも有名である。