トップ » バックナンバー » Vol.13 » 京都情報大学院大学 開学記念式典 コロンビア大学教育大学院からのメッセージ

Accumu Vol.13

京都情報大学院大学 開学記念式典 コロンビア大学教育大学院からのメッセージ

コロンビア大学教育大学院 教育学教授



この偉業は賞賛されるべきことであります。困難ながら,十二分にやりがいのある努力の成果だと確信しております。2004年9月より,コロンビア大学ティーチャーズカレッジ オーガニゼーション・リーダーシップ学科の学科長に就任することになり,私自身も,権威のある教育機関を設立し,政府の認可を得るという過程がいかに大変であるかを身にしみて感じております。必要な人的資源を獲得・組織するためには,大きな指導力と強い忍耐力が不可欠になります。しかし,貴学の場合,これがあっという間に成し遂げられました。新法は2003年4月にできたばかりです。私の記憶では,6月に認可申請をしたところ,申請はたった一校,貴学だけでした。2004年1月には設置認可を受け,そして4月にはもう大学院が稼働しているのです。これはもう奇跡に近いことでしょう。コロンビア大学ティーチャーズカレッジで長谷川亘氏と共に研究できたことを嬉しく思うとともに,わがティーチャーズカレッジの卒業生である同氏が,教育分野における革新とリーダーシップの最上の見本を示してくれたことを誇りに思います。皆様のご発展とご多幸をお祈りいたします。

Dear Madam Yasuko Hasegawa, Chairperson of the Board of Trustees; and Dr. Hiroshi Hagihara, President, The Kyoto College of Graduate Studies for Informatics (KCGI):

Thank you for your kind and generous invitation to attend the opening ceremony and reception for The Kyoto College of Graduate Studies for Informatics. It is with great disappointment that I can not attend as I have another commitment since I was newly elected chair.

I would like to take this opportunity however to congratulate you on the new graduate school. It is a pleasure to hear that The Kyoto College of Graduate Studies for Informatics was approved in January and is now already in session with an excellent faculty, new building, and a well-designed curriculum.

I commend you for this outstanding achievement. I know that this was a difficult and challenging accomplishment. As a newly elected Chair of the Department of Organization and Leadership at Teacher's College (effective September, 2004), I am all too familiar with the hard work it takes to get government approval and to establish a respectable educational institution. It takes great leadership and strong perseverance to procure and organize the necessary resources. Never mind, that this was all done quite speedily, the new law was only passed last year in April, 2003. As I recall, in June of 2003, you applied and were the only computer school to do so. In January of 2004 the school was approved, and now in April 2004, the school is operational, something short of a miracle. It's wonderful to have worked with Wataru Hasegawa as a graduate student, and we are proud to have a Teacher's College graduate who exemplifies the best characteristics of leadership and innovation in education.

The very best wishes to you in this new venture.


Craig E. Richards, Ph.D.
Professor of Education
Teachers College, Columbia University
Department of Organization and Leadership

コロンビア大学教育大学院 平和教育センター創設者






It is with admiration that I extend to you my congratulations and my very best wishes on the occasion of the formal opening of The Kyoto College of Graduate Studies for Informatics.

In building upon the foundation of Kyoto Computer Gakuin in socially responsible technical education and service to the global community, this new advanced degree program offers a unique and much needed development in the field of information technology. Your emphasis on the potential application of informatics to overcoming global problems of inequality, injustice and violence promises to be a significant contribution to education for global citizenship.

A culture of peace, the much desired goal of so many of the world's peoples requires the focusing of all human institutions on this purpose. Your program will serve as a model and inspi-ration to peace educators everywhere and informatics educators who will look to The Kyoto College of Graduate Studies for Informatics as model, inspiring more in the field to educate for socially responsibility in the use of information technology.

I wish you every success in this new and promising program.

Betty A. Reardon, Ed.D.
Founding Director, Peace Education Center
Teachers College Columbia University



こんにちは。コロンビア大学教育大学院教授のトマス・ソボルです。長谷川亘氏は私の学生でしたが,彼は将来きっとすごいことをやるだろうと,期待していました。それにしてもこんなに早いとは予想していませんでした。京都情報大学院大学の創設という素晴らしい成果を上げられたのですから,今後は,ますます多くの人とのコラボレーションが進むこの分野で,日本のみならず世界を舞台に 重要な役割を果たされることを期待します。おめでとうございます。

Hello, my name is Thomas Sobol. I'm a professor of education here at Teachers College, Columbia University in New York City. One of my students was Mr. Wataru Hasegawa of whom we expected great things. We didn't expect anything this great so soon. Because of the wonderful accomplishment to organize The Kyoto College of Graduate Studies for Informatics, you should provide a very useful function, not only in it's own society, but across the world as we increasingly collaborate with one another on these matters.

I congratulate Mr.Hasegawa, and all his colleagues and associates, and wish you all the very best.

Thomas Sobol, Ed.D.
Professor, Teachers College
Columbia University

コロンビア大学教育大学院 高等教育学科非常勤助教授






I'm very excited to be here today to talk to you about the new The Kyoto College of Graduate Studies for Informatics. Technology today is a very challenging area. KCG is a unique school in that its 41-year history it's one of the few schools that has increased applications in graduate students. And for that very purpose, it's one of the reasons why I am on the faculty to be participating in the challenges of technology going forward. I would like to talk little bit about that technology has three major areas that are affecting every aspect in business and social lives. One, it's acceleration. Everything we do in business is being more and more dependent on what technology is doing to our world. Two, it's unpredictable. As much as we say and think that we know what technology is going to do and how it's going to affect businesses and society, it's not that easy. And three, it's dynamic. We don't know exactly when and how it's going to affect us. That's why it's so important to create leaders in the future and managers, going beyond just the technology itself. Yes, technology affects strategic integration, and it affects how our businesses are going to use it competitively and strategically. But more importantly are the cultural effects, how we situate that in businesses, and with the internationalization of the organizations, how we work and operate within cultures, is crucial.

I offer my congratulations, my excitement and my interest in participating in creating tomorrow's leaders in technology, something that is of crucial importance in everything we do in business and in life.

Arthur Langer, Ph.D.
Adjunct Assistant Professor of Higher Education
Teachers College, Columbia University
Chair, Instruction and Curricular Development




Dear Professor Wataru Hasegawa:

Good afternoon. This is Terry Orr, from Teachers College at Columbia University, wishing congratulations and good luck to The Kyoto College of Graduate Studies for Informatics. And a special congratulations to Wataru Hasegawa for all his hard work and accomplishments. I'm looking forward to coming to work at the new college building on 41-year history of KCG and their earlier work in their relationship with the Rochester Institution of Technology to lead the way in preparing leaders in both information and management. There has been a long- standing need both in Japan and around the world for leaders who respond to both technology and management. This school goes a long way in filling that need by starting first in Japan. I know that it will become a standard that will be recognized throughout the world. Congratulations, especially to Wataru for all his hard work, who has planned for this since his early years in Teachers College, where he studied leadership and organizational change in his graduate course work. I look forward to hearing more about the accomplishments of this new college and all that it's graduates are going to accomplish in years to come.

Terry Orr, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Teachers College
Columbia University