ロチェスター工科大学(RIT)は,1829年にニューヨーク州ロチェスター市に創立された大学で,Alive, Dynamic and Vibrantを教育モットーとして,発展してきた。すなわち生きた学問を学び,ダイナミックに活用し,グローバルに伝播させていくことをモットーとしており,アップ・ツー・デイトの社会のニーズに即応した研究・教育の活性化において,まさにアメリカ屈指のプラグマティズム大学を代表している。
RIT(ロチェスター工科大学)は ニューヨーク州ロチェスター市の郊外に位置し,豊かな自然に囲まれた1300エーカーの広大なキャンパスに九つの学部を持つ工学系総合大学で,特にCollege of Imaging Arts and Sciences(イメージングアート&サイエンス学部)とB.Thomas Golisano College of Computing and Information Sciences(B.トーマス・ガリサノ計算機・情報科学部)においては全米大学ランキングNo.1の実績を誇る名門大学であり,全米でいち早くIT分野の専攻学科を設置したことでも有名である。
KCG and RIT have both been pioneers in our respective countries in the education of students in Computer Science, Information Technology, Graphic Design, Multimedia, and the Computer Arts. The innovations we have developed together have strengthened both of our schools. Even more fascinating opportunities lie before us, all of which will lead to excellent careers for our graduates, while making their degree work as students even more challenging, exciting, demanding, and fun!
The relationship between RIT and KCG continues to grow. During my scheduled visit to KCG last October, President Hasegawa and I would have signed a new articulation agreement enabling KCG students at the end of two years to transfer to RIT to complete their Bachelor Degrees in Information Technology and Computer Science. Unfortunately, the terrorist attacks upon the United States on Sept. 11, 2001, caused that trip to be cancelled. The agreement between our two schools, however, will still be implemented, and I expect to visit KCG this year to visit see the faculty, staff, and students I have come to know over the time of our partnership, as well as to greet many new students.
I would like to refer to the relation between RIT and KCG Hasegawa family.
Five years ago I had the pleasure of visiting the Kyoto Computer School (KCG) to sign an official declaration with President Yasuko Hasegawa, making RIT and KCG sister schools. I have wonderful memories of that trip, including tours of the beautiful city of Kyoto and seeing many of the ancient temples, shrines, gardens, and palaces. Kyoto is most definitely my favorite city in Japan!
The relationship between KCG and RIT extends back to 1988 when Akira Hasegawa, the younger son of President Hasegawa, came to RIT as a freshman student to study Photographic Technology; Akira earned a BS degree from RIT in 1993. More importantly, Akira became friends with several RIT faculty and students who have since played important roles at KCG.
In 1989, Akira invited RIT Professor Robert Kushner to go to Boston, Massachusetts, for the opening ceremonies of KCG's extension campus in that city. Although Professor Kushner retired from RIT, he become a trustee of KCG and now teaches at KCG, I am always delighted to see "Kush" on his frequent visits back to RIT.
In 1990, Akira arranged for RIT Professor Russell Kraus to come to Kyoto to teach a workshop on Compute Graphics at KCG. This was the first of an on-going series of faculty and student exchanges between RIT and KCG.
Following extensive discussions with RIT Professors Robert Keough and James Ver Hague, Akira Hasegawa and the KCG faculty developed two new programs in 1995 to expand KCG's expertise in computer science education to the Arts, and especially to multimedia; these programs were Computer Graphic Arts and Computer Graphic Design. Several RIT graduates were hired by KCG to help teach in these programs.
In the summer of 1995, a group of KCG students came to RIT for two weeks to study in RIT's computer design facilities. These workshops, called KCG at RIT, have continued every summer since, and I have been delighted to host the participating students and faculty with a picnic at my home for each of the past five years.
I met the Hasegawa family upon my first visit to KCG in 1996, during which the sister-school agreement was signed, as well as a new program in which KCG students could take a set of RIT courses as part of their KCG degree and come to RIT as graduate students to earn Masters degrees in IT or CS. We now have several students from KCG studying in graduate programs at RIT. One KCG alum, Daisuke Asano received his Masters degree from RIT last year and has now returned to Japan where he has a terrific job with Cisco Systems in Japan.
Meanwhile, Akira Hasegawa returned to RIT as a graduate student. He earned Master degree in Printing Publishing Management in 1999. Akira lived at my home for two years during this time, and we became excellent friends to this day. I believe that I may even still have some of Akira's possessions stored in my attic!
2001年,RITでは,コンピュータサイエンス(CS),インフォメーション・テクノロジー(IT),ソフトウェアエンジニアリングの3つの専門分野を,B.トーマスガリサノ計算機・情報科学部(B.Thomas Golisano College of Computing and Information Sciences)に統合しました。現在,KCGとRITとの間で学部編入プログラムの交渉が進められております。これはKCGで学び取得した単位がRITの上記学科の単位として認められるもので,KCGからRITへの学部編入を可能とするものです。これは2002年の秋にスタート致します。
Last year at RIT the computing disciplines (CS, IT and Software Engineering) were combined into a new College of Computing and Information Sciences, underwritten by B. Thomas Golisano. Negotiations are currently under way that hopefully will result in students being able to start their undergraduate degree at KCG and then coming to the new college to major in one of the three disciplines, it is hoped that this program could start in the fall of this year 2002.
The relationship between KCG and RIT has proven to be unique and profitable for both schools and for their students. We look forward to this interaction becoming more extensive and positive.
Brief History of the RIT - KCG relationship
In 1996 Provost Stan McKenzie led a delegation from RIT that visited the Kyoto Computer Gakuin (KCG). At the end of that visit Provost McKenzie and KCG president Yasuko Hasegawa signed the sister school agreement and began looking for ways to collaborate on technology education.
Early in 1998, the chair of the Information Technology (IT) department, Edith Lawson, visited KCG to review the curriculum, faculty and facilities. Shortly after this, Provost McKenzie and Wiley McKinzie, Dean of CAST, the RIT college in which the IT department resided, went to KCG to outline a program where KCG faculty would teach six RIT IT graduate courses in Kyoto.
That fall Tim Wells, an RIT IT faculty member, traveled to Kyoto to work with KCG faculty preparing to teach the IT courses. Students completing the courses then could come to Rochester to complete their MS in Information Technology. Seventeen students have come to RIT to study. There are many students taking RIT courses in Kyoto.
This joint graduate program is unique in that KCG actually gives RIT courses, not just courses in similar areas. This insures that the students who continue at RIT will have all the prerequisite knowledge to succeed in the program.
A relationship between KCG and the Computer Science (CS) department at RIT also has been established, principally through the visits of Dr. Peter Anderson, a Professor of CS at RIT. Dr. Anderson has visited KCG three times for two weeks each and presented short courses in neural networks and genetic algorithms as well as lectures to the student body in general.
KCG has an impressive program of supporting technology education in developing countries by means of courses, donations of equipment and sending instructors to partner countries to offer intensive courses for instructors there. Dr. Anderson also has presented short courses on the Unix and Linux operating systems to some of these students.
In addition to the computing departments at RIT, KCG also has a relationship with the College of Imaging Arts and Sciences. Every summer since 1995 students have come for a two-week intensive study of graphic arts, design and photography.
1989年 | KCGボストン校が設立される。開校式(*註参照)には,RITから ロバート・クッシュナー教授が代表として参列。クッシュナー教授はその後RITを退職し,現在KCGの理事に就任し,授業を担当している。 |
1990年 | RITのラッセル・クラウス教授をKCGに招き,コンピュータ・グラフィックスのセミナーを実施。現在も続く,KCGとRITの教授・学生交換交流の始まりである。 |
1993年 1995年 | KCGにおける芸術・マルチメディア系の学科新設に伴いRIT CG学科にカリキュラムサポートを依頼。RITのCG学科担当教授とミーテングを重ね,1993年と1995年に芸術情報学科・感性情報学科(その後,それぞれコンピュータアート科とコンピュータデザイン科と改称)が誕生。この時RIT卒業生が新学科の教員として,就任。 |
1995年 | RITのコンピュータ・グラフィックス設備で勉強する夏期2週間のKCG学生研修プログラムが発足。この研修は "KCG at RIT"という名で,以来,毎夏に実施されている。 |
1996年 | RITスタンレー・マッケンジー副学長をはじめ三教授が来校。 KCGとRITとの間で姉妹校提携協定書調印。 |
1998年 | (Information Technology)IT学科,エディス・ローソン学科長をはじめ三教授がKCGを訪問。RIT大学院修士課程留学コースを新設するため協定書に調印。 このベンチャー・プログラムは,日本の大卒者を対象に,KCGでRIT大学院コースの科目を学習し,RITに留学し,IT専攻・コンピュータサイエンス(CS)専攻修士号を取得するプログラムである。 その後,スタンレー・マッケンジー副学長とCollege of Applied Science and Technology (IT学科を含む学部)のウィリー・マッケンジー学部長がKCGを訪問。 その秋,RITのIT学科,ティム・ウェルズ教授がKCGに来校し,KCG教員に対し,KCG学生のRIT大学院IT学科進学者のための教授法を指導。 1990年から続いている,KCGとRITの教授・学生交換交流の一環として,RITのCS学科のDr.ピーター・アンダーソン教授をKCGに招聘し,短期研修と講演会を実施。この講演会は毎年恒例となっている。 |
2001年 | RITは,情報系各学科の発展に伴い,Computer ScienceとInformation Technology(IT)とSoftware Engineeringの三学科をThomas Golisano College of Computing and Information Sciencesとして統合。 RITのInformation Technology(IT)学科,ローソン学部長とオイゾン教授が,KCGのRIT大学院修士課程留学コースの科目と内容の刷新のため,KCGを訪問。 数年前から企画・準備された,KCG学生のRIT学部編入プログラムが完成(IT学科とCS学科)。これは,KCGでRITのコースを2年間受講し,その後留学するものである。 |
*註 ボストン校は,KCG学生の海外研修,KCGボストン情報科学研究所,KCG海外コンピュータ教育支援活動(IDCE)などの場として使われた。開校式には,ハーバード大学,MIT,マサチューセッツ州立大学アマースト校,NASAメリーランド,NASAゴッダード,ウィートン大学,アリゾナ大学,カリフォルニア州立大学などから,著名な教授が出席され,活発な国際交流が行われた。