京都コンピュータ学園理事ロバート・B・クッシュナー先生(Prof. Robert B. Kushner)が, 日本時間2002年11月7日午前9時45分(米国時間11月6日午後6時45分), 病気療養中のテキサス州オースティンにて永眠されました。
クッシュナー先生(Prof. Robert B. Kushner:1924~2002)は,写真学,写真工学がご専門でした。第二次世界大戦中から戦後にかけての若き日には,アメリカ合衆国空軍において写真技師として,後には飛行テストの記録写真部門の統括を担当されました。その間,合衆国政府によるネバダ州での核実験の写真撮影という困難な業務にも従事されました。その後は,工業写真から風景写真,人物写真に至るまでの写真技術・写真工学の専門家として,さらには写真関連企業の経営にも携わってこられました。1971年からは母校ロチェスター工科大学において写真芸術・写真科学の教授に就任されました。以来20年の長きにわたって,後進の指導育成に尽力され,現在同大学がCG,グラフィックアート,写真工学の分野において,全米NO.1の地位を得るに至った,その礎を築かれたお一人であります。また先生は,1981年以来国連の写真技術指導員として,中国をはじめ世界各国で,写真技術者の養成にも携わってこられました。
学校葬では,故人の親友のパトリック・マクエリゴット牧師によるお祈り,ロチェスター工科大学元教授のジョセフ・ノガ先生,葬儀委員長・京都コンピュータ学院学院長 長谷川靖子,教職員代表による弔辞や,東京芸術大学教授でヴァイオリニストの浦川宜也先生による葬送曲演奏,アメリカ空軍のショーン・キャンプ中尉らによる「Flag Folding Ceremony」(星条旗を遺族に贈る儀式)が行われました。そして,来賓の皆様や学生・卒業生・教職員による献花で故人に別れを告げました。
生年月日: | 1924年11月14日 |
出身: | アメリカ合衆国 オハイオ州 |
ロチェスター工科大学(ニューヨーク州ロチェスター):学士・修士 アメリカン大学 (イリノイ州シカゴ):電気工学 アートセンタースクール(カリフォルニア州ロサンジェルス):写真学 アラバマ大学(ジョージア州アラバマ):写真学 アメリカ合衆国写真学プログラム教育資格取得 |
1938年9月~1942年6月 | チムケン商業高校(米国オハイオ州カントン):写真機材販売 |
1942年6月~1943年2月 | リパブリック鉄鋼コーポレーション(米国オハイオ州カントン):金属工業写真担当 |
1943年2月~1946年2月 | 米国空軍:航空,地上写真担当 |
1948年12月~1951年4月 | C. B.メイヤースタジオ(米国オハイオ州アクロン):人物・工業写真 写真工芸スタジオ(米国ウェストバージニア州ウィーリング):人物・工業写真 ロシェスタジオ(米国オハイオ州カントン):人物・工業写真 |
1951年4月~1955年4月 | 米国空軍(米国オハイオ州デイトン ライトパターソン空軍基地):写真撮影監督,航空テスト研究写真機材準備担当 |
1952年11月~1953年11月 | 米国政府(米国ネバダ州):核実験写真撮影(2,000枚) |
1955年4月~1957年1月 | ホーリクラフターズ電波・軍事電子工業会社,ネルソン技術事業部(米国イリノイ州シカゴ):写真技師,飛行機試験データ集積担当部長 |
1957年3月~1958年1月 | スタンダード写真撮影所(米国イリノイ州シカゴ):コンサルタント,写真販売開発 |
1958年3月~1968年4月 | ゼネラルアニリンフィルム会社(米国ニューヨーク州ビンガムトン):技術撮影部門技師,工業専門家 |
1968年12月~1970年1月 | バトラー提携会社 オーディオビデオビジュアル製造会社(米国オハイオ州デイトン):副社長,写真撮影監督 |
1970年1月~1991年6月 | ストリックランド提携会社(米国オハイオ州デイトン):写真技師,製作部門代表,コンサルタント |
1971年9月~1991年6月 | ロチェスター工科大学(米国ニューヨーク州ロチェスター):写真技術,写真科学教授 |
1981年 | 国際連合 (中国派遣):第1回海外技術指導員 写真技術者養成,商業用スタジオ・写真実習室等設立 |
1982年 | 国際連合 (中国派遣):第2回海外技術指導員 |
1983年~1985年 | 国際連合 (中国派遣):第3回海外技術指導員 (以後も継続) |
1991年7月~ | ロチェスター工科大学(米国ニューヨーク州ロチェスター):名誉教授 |
1993年4月~ | 学校法人京都コンピュータ学園理事,京都コンピュータ学院ボストン校校長,京都コンピュータ学院鴨川校教員 |
When I was in junior high school, Dad helped me win first place in the school science fair with a project describing photolithography and offset printing. Dad took me to a friends facility where we performed all the steps of reproducing printed copies from an original. I was able to prepare a poster presentation using examples from each step that we had done together. From Dad’s instruction, I was able to impress the judges by explaining the whole process.
While I was in high school, Dad volunteered to help the Maryknoll Catholic mission by training a new brother (monk) to handle all the darkroom and prepress operations at the Maryknoll Press. Dad brought me with him to Maryknoll, and I learned more about photolithography, along with the brother he was teaching. To thank Dad, the Maryknoll Press gave us full access to their facility including process camera and darkroom.
With access to the Maryknoll Press facility, I convinced the advisor for my high school newspaper to let me lithograph the paper. Compared to a commercial lithographer, the newspaper would save money, and the payment would go to the photo club for buying equipment and supplies. Unfortunately, Dad or the school advisor had to do the driving. So after a while, Dad helped me piece together everything I needed to lithograph school publications at my high school. He traded favors to assemble a process camera from bartered parts. He also helped me design and build a copy board, a light table, and a vacuum frame for exposing litho plates. In summary, he taught me well, and then supported me extensively when I responded with enthusiasm.
Of course, I was also interested in photography. So Dad taught me camera and darkroom techniques and portrait photography in particular. I used what I learned to work for the school yearbook, our community newspaper, and a community service organization. When I applied to MIT, the activities I did with teaching and support from Dad made the difference in being admitted, and helped me win a scholarship from the National Council on the Graphic Arts.
Unlike my siblings, I do not have the childhood memories of Dad being a professor at RIT. But when I remember my father, it is clear that he was a natural born teacher, and that he gave generously of himself to those who wanted to learn.
The public things are easy to recall when remembering my father, Kush, as most people knew him. He always had a camera at hand, and shot more rolls of film than anyone I know. He always wore his fishing vest when he taught photography, and he was never without a roll of duct tape. But it’s the private things that are the ones that give true meaning to his public persona. Did you know that he made wonderful waffles from scratch? And if you got home late and missed dinner, dad would make the best-toasted cheese sandwiches and tomato soup.
Best of all, dad always had some handmade chocolates tucked away for a special occasion, or that unexpected guest, or when you just wanted something sweet. When I think of the wonderful taste of those delicious chocolates, I would remember where he got them. They were from a small shop in Canton, Ohio, my father’s hometown. This store has been making confections since he was a child. I can’t even recall the last time I was in Ohio, but I can remember going to Ben Heggies candy shop with my father as if it were yesterday.
Those trips to Ohio, when I was very young, were to go to my grandmother’s house. There in that old house, so very long ago, is where my most endearing memories of my father took place. When we visited, it would be for a holiday or family event, so the house would be full of out-of-town guests. My father would get up very early, before anyone, slip out quietly and go down to the corner bakery. He would bring back bags of warm sticky buns. To this day, they are my favorite. In this small seemingly insignificant event, it sums up my father’s life. He was a “doer” and he always tried to “take care”, whether it was a student, who needed a home cooked meal, or a sink full of dirty dishes. My father did “stuff”. No one ever had to ask him, and sadly, I don’t think he was thanked enough. Memories are funny, there are so many things I can’t recall, no matter how hard I try, but every time I even see a sticky bun, I am eight years old in my grandmothers house with my dad.
My father was the most generous giving man I have ever known. He gave to his family, children, students, university, country, and to the Worldwide International Community.
He gave to his family by always caring for his older brother Gordon who was orphaned with my father.
He gave to his ten children by working three jobs so that we would want for nothing. He still found time to give to his children by fishing, camping, boating and traveling.
He gave to his country by being in the U.S. military, and for being the only photographer to get the picture of the atomic bomb test. The blast left him blind for weeks.
He gave to the international community as a United Nations representative in 1980 to Beijing, China. He taught the country of China how to photograph catalogues so they could make the switch from Communism to world wide trade.
He gave his heart and soul and knowledge to his university and students, always going the extra mile to help someone in need.
My father gave of his time, energy and knowledge to the world. The only luxury he ever sought was time for fishing.
Like a bottle of water, once it is emptied it has to be refilled. My father refilled his vitality and soul by becoming one with nature while fishing.
My father was an educator. He didn't give a fish to a person so they could eat for a day. He taught them how to fish so they would never be hungry again.
Thank you Dad, for your unselfish giving generosity in my life.
I am Roberta, or as my father would refer to me as, Bobby as I was his namesake. For this I am very proud and honored. So honored my second son holds Blake as his middle name.
Robert Blake Kushner was a father who cared and loved his children. Being the sixth of ten children, I always admired his constant drive and his fervent love for life, as he had to work so hard to feed and care for so many of us. In being rough around the edges he by far made up for it in his innovative and astute perspective of life and his uncanny and pin point accuracy of peoples inner souls and intentions. The clicheエ"his actions spoke louder than words" resonated throughout our household and became a way by which all of us lived.
I think of my father daily. He is ever present in all that I love. His encouragement of my love for pottery keeps my ideas fresh and encourages me to always push the envelope as he did with his love and accomplishments in photography.
Most all of my pottery tools are made by my dad or he purchased them for me in his travels with Yoshiko. I am constantly reminded of his love and support of my pottery endeavors with every piece I produce.
Dad you have blessed all that you have touched. Feel proud of all that I am and will become as you live on in me and in all that I create. Something tells me that you know this and will enjoy these creations, many of which I dedicate and credit to you.
To my wonderful loving Father,
Peace to you,
I will Love you always,
Dad was going fishing with his Air Force buddies at Lake Cumberland in Kentucky. On his way, he stopped by to see me in Louisville. He invited me to join him for a few days of fishing and so I went with him. We were fishing early one morning, at the very back of a cove among some trees. The lake water was high due to the spring rains. The weather was misty and a fog was on the water. While we sat there fishing I heard an odd noise. As I looked around to see what it could be, I started to get scared. What was going on? There it was, a sea dragon. It was huge and orange and was coming straight toward us. I was terrified. The monster actually banged and pushed against the side of the canoe.
Dad knew there was nothing to be afraid of. Dad also knew what my monster was, and what it was doing. He explained that it was just Carp. There were three of them, each about three feet long, and they were spawning (when the male helps to push the eggs from the females).
I had never seen fish that big, or that color. All my fears were gone; Dad had made me feel safe, and that every thing would be all right once again. That is what Dad did best.
Geraldine Marie Kauffman #5 child
10人いる父の子どものうち最年少である私の記憶にあるのは,毎年夏休みにニューヨーク州のお祭りに家族で行ったり,サウザンド島に皆を連れて行ってくれた,そんな父です。父は私をよく「ちっちゃな釣り友達」と呼んでいましたから,私が成長し,釣り以外のことに興味を持ち始めた時の,父の寂し気な後ろ姿は今でも脳裏に焼き付いています。父は「おまえはお洒落しすぎだ!」と,よく私をからかったものですが,ソフトボール,チアリーダー,生徒会役員そして学業など,釣り以外のことに没頭している私でさえも,父は誇りに思っていてくれました。冬の寒い朝などは,学校に出かける前の私に,よくたんぱく質入り栄養満点ホットココアやオートミールなどを作ってくれたものです。休みの日にはミキサーを使ってライムゼリーチーズケーキを作っていました。私を部費の比較的高いスキークラブに入部させ,また高校生活最後の春休みにマイアトルビーチに行かせてくれたことは,今でも感謝しています。また,私の高校卒業祝パーティには,庭の木にスピーカーを取り付け,自宅前の道路一面にダンスフロアを設置して,その横に大きな焚き火をたいてくれました。またロチェスター工科大学の交換プログラムを通じて私を大学に入学させ,同時に学費と車を与え,また結婚式には潔く私を今の夫に委ね,その後一緒に「Daddy,s Little Girl (パパの小さな女)」を踊ってくれた,そんな父を私は心から誇りに思います。
As the youngest of his ten children, I remember my Dad taking the family to the New York State Fair, and camping in the Thousand Islands every summer. He used to call me his “little fishing buddy” and I know he was sad when I grew up and found interest in ‘other things’. He used to tease me about primping too much but I believe he was proud of my other interests; softball, cheerleading, student council, and school. He’d make hot cocoa protein drinks and oatmeal or cream of wheat on cold winter mornings before school. He used to make lime jello cheesecake with the blender for the holidays. I am thankful for my Dad letting me join the ski club, and for allowing me to go to Myrtle Beach on Spring break during my senior year of high school. I remember my Dad putting speakers in a tree, laying a dance floor on the driveway, and making a bonfire for my high school graduation party. I am thankful for my Dad providing me with a car in college and tuition through the R.I.T exchange program. I was proud to have him give me to my husband and dance to “Daddy’s Little Girl” at my wedding.
Special things I remember about my Father are his fishing vest, fishing rods on the wall, duct tape, rolls of film in the refrigerator, and posing for photos “Hold up your finger so I can focus”. Practical things I learned from my Father were to make meatloaf and pot roast, to swim, fish, camp, and paddle a canoe, to play softball and tennis. He also taught me to drive a stick-shift and the secret to defending myself against a man. Through raising me, my Father taught me many things by example; to be resourceful, practical, frugal, independent, responsible, and to always pitch-in. He embraced diversity. He valued education. He was an early-bird, a Patriot, a survivor, and in many ways an outsider. In addition to being a photographer and a professor, he was a jack-of-all-trades, a hunter and a fisherman, a big flirt. My Dad was best known as “Kush” and “Uncle Bob”. He often lacked for the words, but I knew he always cared. We had an open door for anyone needing a home, there was always room or food for one more. That is what I’ll keep with me, to include everyone and that actions speak louder than words.
Today is Thanksgiving, I believe it was my Dad’s favorite time of year. I miss my Dad now more than ever. I was not ready to let him go. Before I always knew he was there when I needed him and now that gift is gone. I hoped he could see his grandchildren grow up and share his many talents with them. I am thankful he got to live with us as “Grandpa”, if only for a little while. I was thankful to be with him and care for him in the last months of his life, and to be with him when he died. I trust he knows he is loved and admired by many he touched throughout his life.
Professor Kushner is a Master Photographic Technologist, a Photographic Artist and a World Renown Photographic Teacher. His life in the photographic field covers most major fields; his strength is the ability to see and control light to create form.
His Technology was developed by study and working under Master Craftsman; as a Technical Field Representative. His Artistry and Observation are from nature and as an outdoors-man. In his early years he trapped for animals, bunted and fished. Keen observation and quick reaction was a key to success. He was carried these activities through his entire career.
Professor Kushner, his name remains on the list of World Photographic Experts with the United Nations / ITC, Geneva, Switzerland. His Missions to China were to establish Commercial and Photographic Illustration / Advertising Studios; and to train the Staff.
His Talent was recognized by the Director of the School of Photographic Arts & Sciences, Rochester Institute of Technology. Upon retirement, he was awarded Professor Emeritus.